Wanted: Distractions. These beautiful squash jumped into my car the other day when I was visiting Piercy’s farm. They were so beautiful, I couldn’t resist. It’s not like I run a home for wayward squash, but I am a sucker for fall colours, and they do perk up the porch.
They’ll eventually end up in my oven, which makes me feel a bit like the cannibalistic witch in Hansel and Gretel, but I’ll live with the guilt. In fact, we’ve already devoured the spaghetti squash and I’ll bake others until the sugars caramelize around the edges into brown bits of crunchy heaven.
Why, you might ask, am I going on about squash? I have a good reason – I need the distraction.
You see, I finished writing the first draft of Book 4 almost three weeks ago and I’m determined to leave it alone for another week: no peeking, no tweaking.
Yikes! A whole month.
I don’t think I’ve ever stayed away from these characters for that long. But the next part of the process is the first edit, and I know I’ll do a better job of it if I can distance myself from it, which is easier said than done. For months, I’ve spent every day with these characters and without them, there’s a gaping hole in my day — a hole I need to fill with distractions.
I’ve already cleaned the house, I’ve groomed the dog, and I’m up to date with the programs I had taped on the PVR. I’ve returned to the gym (sadly out of shape, I’m afraid) and caught up with friends over leisurely lunches and coffee dates.
I tackled the gardens. It’s a good thing it’s been a great fall — warmer and drier than usual. It’s allowed me to take care of the outdoor chores that should have been done months ago. That’s one of the downsides to writing – you have to give up some things to make time to write. Anyway, I’ve rather enjoyed getting dirt under my fingernails again and filling up the composters.
Now the rains have started and I’m back inside…studiously avoiding the characters who lurk dangerously close to this blog. One more week…