Publishing Angst
There’s a special kind of angst reserved just for writers. You get to experience it only after you push that “publish” button. Doesn’t matter if it’s a blog post or a book, you always wonder if you could have made it ____________. Fill in the blank—funnier, more concise, less formal—the list is endless.
Looking back over pieces I wrote last year feels a little like looking at old photos. It makes me question why I choose those pants or why I thought that haircut was a good idea.
When I have my writer’s hat on, I’m constantly rereading and refining my words. Sometimes I find a better verb, or a better way to structure a sentence to deliver more impact. There’s always some tweaking you can do to improve your blog post or novel or press release. Always.
How do you know when it’s good enough?
You can drive yourself crazy going back over words you’ve read so many times you know them by heart. That’s part of a writer’s dilemma. Eventually, you see letters and words that you expect instead of what’s actually on the page. It’s one of the reasons why writers need editors and proof readers.
Sometimes, incorporating your editor’s comments into your work is part of the circle of craziness. You introduce new errors when making the edits. It’s so easy to miss a word or mix up a plural or a tense. The process of rewriting and editing can turn into a vicious circle. The trick to maintaining sanity is knowing when to stop the madness.
If you accept that you’re not perfect; if you believe that you’ve written to the best of your abilities as they exist right now; if you recognize that point when your edits are not improving your piece, merely making it different, then you’re ready to push that “publish” button.
Go on. Be brave. You’ll be a better writer tomorrow. It’s inevitable. And tomorrow you’ll find that perfect verb you wish you’d found before you published. It’s part of the deal. Don’t let it drive you nuts.
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I do agree with you. I edit myself to the edge of oblivion, but in the ‘publish and be damned’ is all we have
Wouldn’t it be great if we could choose a “fix and publish” button instead of just “publish?”
So true. I sometimes have a real problem seeing my echoes. Great post.
“Echoes” That word fits perfectly. Thanks.