Out of the Smoke
It’s difficult to get away from BC’s wildfire smoke these days. If it’s not blowing in from the east, it’s coming down from the north or up from the States. My annual trip to Ontario promised a reprieve, but from 30,000 feet, the smoke swirled around the Rockies and was thick on the ground in the valleys. Sad to think this might be our new summer norm.
Into the Steam
Landing in Toronto didn’t provide as much relief as I anticipated—it felt like arriving in the tropics—stinking hot with humidity that sent my hair into alpaca territory.
Thankfully, a torrential downpour soon took care of the heat, and the cooler temperatures prompted my sister and me to venture out to the Canadian National Exhibition, fondly known as the CNE. Neither of us had been to the annual fall fair since our public school days when a CNE pass was tucked in with our year-end report cards.
Though much has changed at the CNE, so much remains the same. The Sky Ride chairlift still crosses high above the midway, carnival hawkers still draw in players with promised winnings, shouts still ring out from ride-goers, and the scent of corndogs and candy floss still rises above the masses. We even spotted a flag with the Conklin clown logo.
On to Haliburton
The following day, we drove to our cousin’s beautiful home on Paradise Lake in Haliburton. We enjoyed wine and appies on the dock, went for a swim in the lake, and talked for hours sharing memories of our grandparents, summer swims and marshmallow roasts in years gone by.

The next day we travelled north to McKellar to visit our parents and brother. Here the reminiscing continued, bringing back more memories that often sent us into fits of tear-inducing laughter.
I’m writing this post on a warm afternoon sitting on my sister’s deck and watching the river flow by. The heat and humidity comes and goes, as does the rain, and though I never know which friends and family I’ll end up seeing when I visit, I’m so glad this trip has turned into an annual event.
I’ll soon be on my way back to BC, but while I’m here, I continue to work with JD&J Design on the new and rebranded book covers. It’s taking longer than I anticipated, but we’re making steady progress.
Meantime, I’ll enjoy the peaches and cream corn which is in season and as sweet as it comes. I’ll swim when it’s hot and enjoy my family’s company. I hope you are able to carve out some quality summer time as well.
Have you done something exciting this carnival season?
If you’d like to spend some quality time on an adventure set on the west coast, pick up Secret Sky from your favourite retailer right here! Or click on the image for more purchase options.
Alpaca photo by Greg Lippert on Unsplash
Conklin clown logo used with permission.
I’m a little late in visiting your blog this time, but it looks like you had a wonderful late summer visit to Ontario. Sitting by a lake and having wine and appies sounds pretty good right now!
Same here. Cooler days call for hot toddies by a bonfire. Thanks for stopping by.
It looks like you had a great trip.
Toronto weather can be quite unpredictable in the recent years.
I was in Latvia in August, and the weather is changing even there: it was above 30 C which is very unusual for Latvia in the second half of the August.
Just like you, I enjoyed meeting relatives and family, as well as some friends.
The funny thing is that your family is in the same country, but mine is so far away, across the ocean.
Well, it is certainly a quality time and time to enjoy and cherish.
BC wildfires are very worrying, and it seems there is not much what can be done, just like in California. The nature is taking a more hostile turn to all of our silly activities. While we are announcing that we want a green future and to preserve the globe for our grandchildren, we are, in fact, doing everything not to have a place to live in the future.
It is nice to know you achieved a progress with rebranding your books. I’m so much in reading recently, I will get to your books, too, hence, I do not watch any TV at all. I haven’t watched it for some 3 months now. That saves so much time, unbelievable!
I wish you a fruitful fall which I believe is always the case where you live!
I’ve never been to Latvia, but the travel pics are beautiful. I’ll have to add it to my must visit list.
Like your photos. Yes, it’s been quite a summer. Felt like a weird one this year with the smoke, which raised all kinds of concerns. Like you, I feel it could be the new normal. Enjoy your stay there. I’ll look forward to seeing your new covers.
Fingers crossed, it will rain which will help with the fires and the smoke. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers.
I enjoyed this, Jo-Anne!.
Thanks, Sussan.
I love your write up about your Ontario family visit. How nice to be able to do it annually. My family is almost extinct, so I appreciate so much reading about such wonderful times.
Giselle Roeder
I feel very blessed, indeed, Giselle.
a smokin’ post, JP…
Tee hee