March has been a busy month with Denman Island’s annual herring spawn.
The island where I live is home to an annual herring spawn that occurs between late February and early March. The millions of herring that arrive on our shores turn the water the colour of the Caribbean. A cacophony of sea lions, seals, eagles, and seagulls, follows, along with the fishing fleet. I took this video in early March to give you an idea of what it looks and sounds like.
Oceana Canada provides a more in-depth explanation on YouTube.
It’s loud, it’s bright, and it’s busy. At night, when we’d normally only see stars and a few distant lights on neighbouring islands, we instead look out on what could be mistaken for a cityscape with glaring lights in constant motion.
I wouldn’t want to live with that full-time, but once a year it’s an exciting change of pace.
Witch Book Progress
I’m thrilled to report that my WIP (work in progress) now sits at 80K. The finished draft will end up between 90-100K.
When I’m writing, I find it useful to find a photo that looks like the character I’ve created in my head. This is who I picture for the main character, Adeline Thorne. Adeline is a thirty-four-year-old witch who didn’t come into the magic she should have inherited. In real life, this woman is Magdalena Zalejska, a Polish model.
Upcoming In-Person Events
Can you believe I’m already booking Christmas? Continue Reading