It’s time for a summer celebration. The glorious summer weather is here, and with it (at least in my corner of the world) the easing of COVID restrictions.
To celebrate, I’m having a summer sale.
A 99¢ summer sale and a beach read to binge: the perfect vacation combo.
For a limited time, I’ve discounted the first three books in The Gift Legacy—the original trilogy. If you’ve been meaning to pick up a copy, now’s the time. And if a friend would enjoy it, gift it to them before the sale ends.
Everybody wishes they could fly—until it happens
Recent reviews:
The Magic of Stories: Best read this year . . . prose at its finest.
Urban Book Reviews: Danger, suspense, and mystery all bundled into one perfect read.
Midwest Book Review: A deftly crafted, impressively original and inherently compelling read.
For Emelynn Taylor, the laws of gravity are more like suggestions. And gravity doesn’t play nice. It abandons her without warning and sends her airborne, unchecked. Terrified, she vows to tame it. She returns to the seaside home where it began. There, she discovers a dangerous underworld. One that knows her secret and has been awaiting her return.
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The Pandemic Cave
As our long residency in the dark pandemic cave comes to an end, we find ourselves on the lip of our grotto blinking into blinding sunlight. Some of us are taking those first tentative steps closer to other human beings. Some are shaking hands and hugging; others are happy with an elbow bump and a finger wave. As for me? I feel like I’ve just been handed my “get out of jail FREE” card and I want to dance in the streets.
I know we’re not yet out of the woods. There will be bumps along the road, but I hope nothing so devastating as another lock down. It’ll take time to settle into a new version of normal. And if you haven’t already, please get vaccinated and help your community reach herd immunity so we can protect all the vulnerable citizens who cannot get the protection a vaccine offers.
And if you’d like to binge the remaining Gift Legacy books, pick them up by clicking the covers below. (For more publishing options, click the Bookstore Tab.)
Caution is definitely warranted. Let’s hope the vaccination rates continue to climb!
I’m feeling the same way, except my head tells me to be cautious. I’m doubly vaccinated but we’re not out of the woods yet. Hopefully soon.