Ghost Mark’s trailer debut is here!
It’s one thing to pick up a book with a compelling cover, turn it over in your hands, and read the description. Maybe you’ll check out the book’s endorsements or editorial reviews, but book trailers offer a unique glimpse inside the story. They capture the mood of a book. Maybe one day I’ll see a movie trailer for Ghost Mark—wouldn’t that be something!
Meantime, Ghost Mark’s pre-release buzz is building, and I’m so pumped about it that I’m spreading the joy. I’ve lowered the price of the pre-order to $2.99. On release day, November first, the price will go back up to its regular price of $4.99. Get the deal here:
Kindle ~ Kobo ~ Apple ~ Nook ~ Elsewhere
Ghost Mark’s Latest Buzz:
A New Editorial Review
A captivating nail-biter that will leave readers thirsting for more!
—InD'tale Magazine
The full review will be out in the November edition of InD'tale Magazine.
A New Endorsement
This mind-bending, supernatural thriller is a riveting romp through the dark streets of obsession and murder. A story that tugs at your heartstrings and lingers in the mind long after The End. Un-putdownable!
—Sue Coletta, award-winning author of the Mayhem Series
Sue Coletta is an author whose writing and research I admire. She takes research to the nth degree. In an effort to make her mysteries as realistic as possible, she visited a body farm. Yup. It’s a real thing. She wrote about it here. I’ve been hooked on her unflinching mysteries ever since reading that article.
In other news:
I’m now on Book Shepherd. Book Shepherd is an alternative to Goodreads. They’re developing a different way to find books. The more ways folks can find books is all right by me, so when they asked me to create and curate a list of my choosing, I put together a list of the Best Urban Fantasy Series With Kickass Heroines, featuring Ann Charles, EE Holmes, Annette Marie, Charlaine Harris, and Victoria Aveyard. Find great book selections on the Book Shepherd’s Heros list.
If you find yourself in Courtenay or Campbell River, I'll be at the following local events: (Drop by and say hello.)
Date: October 22, 2022
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm PT
Location: Filberg Centre, 411 Anderton Ave, Courtenay, BC V9N 6C6
I’ll be reading from Blood Mark and available for book signings and Q&A
Date: October 28, 2022
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm PT
Location: Coho Books, 2092-I South Island Hwy, Campbell River BC, V9W 1C1
I’ll be joining W.L. Hawkin in a prelude to Halloween at Coho Books. We’ll be reading from our addictively dark and mysterious books and be available to answer questions and sign books.
Until next time, XO
I love the intense book trailer. I’ve pre-ordered my copy. Congratulations, JP, I’m very excited for you!
Thanks, Debra!
Wow JP you have been busy! What a great trailer… I love that addition to your Blogs.
Thanks, Sally!
A great trailer! Compelling.
Thanks, Darlene!
Wow. Intriguing. Compelling. Just wow.