There’s a Big Sale Underway
I have a Kindle Unlimited surprise for you. There’s a big sale underway! I’m super excited to announce that Secret Sky, the first book in the Gift Legacy, is FREE right now. I’ve also deeply discounted books two through five! The deals are only on for a few days, so load your Kindle or gift them to a friend before the special pricing disappears.
Writing Research
Earlier this month, I travelled to Vancouver for research on the court case that takes place in Scorch Mark. Over the course of two short days, I attended several trials at the Law Courts Building, including a murder, a sexual assault, a major fraud, a contract dispute, and a custody battle.
The most surprising aspect of my visit was the ease with which I could sit in on these trials. Though armed sheriffs are present throughout the building, I was free to walk into any of the open courtrooms. In all the time I lived in Vancouver, I’d never ventured inside the lofty building. I imagined I’d be searched or have to go through metal detectors, maybe even questioned. None of that happened. Though there were metal detectors available, they weren’t in use at the courtrooms I attended.
Another interesting aspect of some courtrooms is the bulletproof glass that protects the defendants. I also peeked in through the windows of Court 20, which is the courtroom in the basement that was built for the Air India bombing trial, and most recently used for the hearings around Huawei’s chief financial officer. It’s the largest courtroom in the building, and the most secure.

Update on Scorch Mark
My first run-through edit of Scorch Mark is chugging along. Some days I shake my head at what I’ve written. What was I thinking? What the heck was I trying to say? Other days, I find opportunities for a new scene, or additional details that add depth or tension to the story. With each tweak, the story improves. It won’t be long now until Scorch Mark is ready for its first professional edit.
Canadian Independent Bookstore Day
Canadian Independent Bookstore Day is April 29th. This year, anyone who buys a book from a Canadian indie bookstore has an opportunity to win $1000, $500, or $250. (NOTE: The contest is now closed)
What I’m Reading
I just finished, We Measure the Earth With Our Bodies, by Tsering Yangzom Lama. A finalist in the Scotiabank Giller Prize, it’s a beautifully written story of home, told through the lens of three generations of a Tibetan village in the wake of China’s invasion and occupation. I will have the pleasure of introducing Tsering Yangzom Lama at this year’s Denman Island Readers' and Writers' Festival. I’m looking forward to meeting her.

Activity Centre Garden Bed update
In my last post, I mentioned that a group of volunteers had dug out the overgrown garden beds at the Activity Centre here on Denman in preparation for a much needed revitalization. I found some photos of what it used to look like, and I’m happy to share the results of our labours to replant the beds. Thanks so much to the Denman Garden Club for their financial help and the slate of volunteers who put in the sweat equity that saw this worthwhile project completed.

DAC walkway garden BEFORE

DAC front garden BEFORE

DAC walkway garden AFTER

DAC walkway garden AFTER
Don't forget to take advantage of the Gift Legacy books while the Kindle Unlimited promotion is on. Whether it's for yourself or a gift for a friend, you can't go wrong. Get the books here.
Until next time, XO