A New Book Award:
This just in: Ghost Mark has won an Indie B.R.A.G. award! I’m very proud to join B.R.A.G.’s list of honorees. The news is so fresh that (last I checked) Ghost Mark wasn’t yet listed on their website. The B.R.A.G. president advised me they will make an announcement and add the title to their online honorees in the coming days.
My Next Festival Event is a Big One:
I’ll also be signing books at the biggest festival I’ve ever attempted. Comox Nautical Days runs from Saturday, August 5th through to Monday, August 7th, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday. The festival is held annually in conjunction with the Filberg Festival. This is its 63rd year. Stop by and say hello. I’ll be at booth #63 in the Comox Marina Park at the foot of Port Augusta Road. (It feels like an excellent omen to have booth 63 on the 63rd anniversary!)
Dark Dreams Update:
Scorch Mark has a release date! November 14. The manuscript has been through its story edit and is now in the hands of the copy editor. After the copy edit is done, the book will move on to proofreading and formatting. I can’t wait to share Scorch Mark’s cover with you, after which I’ll put the book up for preorder.
The Gift Legacy Update:
I’m removing The Gift Legacy books from Kindle Unlimited/Kindle Select effective September 2nd. The final countdown deal will run from August 17 through 20th and will include 99c sales on the three original books in what was once a trilogy, Secret Sky, Hidden Enemy, and Burning Lies, (Books 1-3). If you’re in the Kindle Unlimited program, download the books to your Kindle before they disappear. After September 2nd, the books will once again be available to buy from all retailers.
What I’m Reading:
I’m rereading Deborah Harkness’s All Souls Trilogy. It was great the first time, and I’m loving it all over again. I’m also watching the mini-series based on it, which is available on Prime. It’s fascinating to see which scenes made it to the screen, and which were altered. As much as it’s entertaining, it’s also research and educational: research for my next book, which will be about witches, and educational because I’m plucking away on a screen play for The Gift Legacy series.
Both of those projects are a long way off. In the meantime, I’ll be heading to Ontario for my annual trip to visit my family.
Until next time, XO
It is impressive how many awards you are getting. Congratulations for one more!
Thanks, Inese. The awards have been a lovely surprise.
Congratulations, Jo-Anne! I love hearing about your success – have a great book festival!
Thanks, Barb. The festival was a huge success. I broke my record sales by a landslide. I’m thrilled to have 143 new readers out there!
Congratulations! You’re earning an impressive list of awards for your work. Enjoy the festival!
Thanks, Debra! Despite yesterday’s heat, the festival was bustling. It was fun to be in the midst of it. Cheers.
Congratulations, Jo-Anne! Well-deserved.
Thanks, Diana!
WhooHoo! You’re on such a roll, girl! Congratulations.
Thanks, Wendy!
Wow JP, congrats … yet again!! Best of luck at Nautical Days and enjoy your time off with family, a well deserved change of scenery!!
Thanks, Sally!
Congratulations!! Have fun at the event.
Thanks, Darlene!
Those awards just keep coming! Congrats!
Thanks, Elinor!
Congratulations, JP. Well earned…
Thanks, Bill.